CATS Songs And Lyrics
Yay! So Here is Our Lyrics And Vids Page. Just click on a song, and you have lyrics and the video from the movie!
NOTE1:- These are the songs and lyrics from the DVD version. So no Griddlebone or Growltiger here. (Sorry! We might add it later)
NOTE2:- We do not own CATS or the soundtrack, or anything, you know how it goes. All rights to ALW and the owners of CATS blah blah blah
1- Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
7- Mungojerrie And Rumpelteazer
9- The Pekes And The Pollicles
10- The Jellicle Ball (part 1)
11- The Jellicle Ball (part 2)
15- Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat